Transportive books to enjoy from your sofa

As we face up to the fact that any form of physical travel is firmly on pause for the foreseeable, here at Scout we are focusing on the positives we can take from this situation, using the time to reflect, renew and create, and support our clients plans for the future, as well as looking forward to - and dreaming about - our return to travel, when it’s safe and responsible to do so.

One of the ways we’ve been keeping our wanderlust alive in recent weeks is through reading some of our favourite novels and non-fiction books. Reading a book is so good for the soul - all of these reads have the power to transport you from your four walls into another world - whether that’s planting you deep in the countryside alongside nature, jetting you off to another country entirely, no passport required, or taking you to a mysterious, distant city born of the author’s own imagination. Here’s to dreaming, and to keeping the adventurous spirit alive.

Wild Women - Edited by Mariella Frostrup

A collection of travel writing by women, curated by broadcaster, writer and avid traveller Mariella Frostrup - Wild Women puts female explorers on the map in an all too male-dominated world of travel writing. Fuel your desire for adventure and inspire future plans with these incredible tales of epic, and often courageous, journeys around the planet.

The Wild Up Bird Chronicle - by Haruki Murakami

A supremely transportive read, Murakami’s The Wild Up Bird Chronicle is a classic blend of detective story and magical fairy tale, captivating readers with his signature magical realism. Although all of Murakami’s books inspire in us a longing for Japan, despite the frequently dark storylines, it’s the dream-like quality of this book that makes it a thoroughly escapist experience to read.

Wild Swimming - by Daniel Start

One of the first things we’d like to do post-lockdown is to take a dip outside. We’ll be turning to Daniel Start’s Wild Swimming book to inspire dreams of those future swims, as he goes into brilliant detail on Britain’s best rivers, lakes and waterfalls that are safe to swim. His books on wild swimming in France and Spain are also getting regular air-time right now - we can but dream!

Beyond the Footpath - by Clare Gogerty

A lot of us are using our daily outdoor exercise allocation for a simple restorative walk in the nearest, and quietest, green space available right now. For when we can once again walk further afield, Claire Gogerty’s Beyond The Footpath is a treasure-trove of inspiration - both for adventurous long-distance rambles, and ways to transform a quick stroll into a mindful reawakening of spirit.